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Welcome to Jovie's Journey


Welcome to our new look website! Still a few more bits to be added but so excited for this new phase in the charity's journey. Whilst we have still been busy helping families in the background, the fore front of the charity has been a bit neglected, but that is all about to change!

We are still looking for stories to add to the website and always love to hear from you! So please, if you have your own story to share, then do not hesitate to get in touch, the more we can share our incredible babies and children with the world, the better!

Equally, if the charity has helped your family, either emotionally, financially or both, then please drop us a few words for our testimonial page; we want to spread the word so we can reach more families that will benefit from our help.

We have been busy offering training sessions to medical professionals surrounding all aspects of caring for parents and children given an "incompatible with life" prognosis, right from early pregnancy, through their child's life and also end of life care. We think it is so important to teach from a parents point of view,  he impact their words can have on the delivery of a prognosis, their use of language, the support they can offer and the little things they can do that make the biggest difference.

We are looking at expanding this service for a wider outreach and are currently in the process of writing a full training programme.

As you may of heard, I have released my debut book "Her Story To Tell". A hard one to write but also great therapy and a great legacy for my beautiful daughter Jovie. I am proud to say that within 48 hours of the pre-release it reached Amazon Best Seller and is being sold all over the world. Available not just on Amazon but also lots of other online stores including Waterstone's and also available through our website. If you haven't already got your copy then please do, I promise you a good read! And with book two already in the writing stage, don't delay!

As always, thank you for being here and thank you for your patience. And if you have found us following a prognosis of your own, I know it's probably the scariest, heart breaking, most uncertain time of your life, but please trust me when I say, even though it's not the journey you had planned, I promise you it will be the most loved filled journey you have ever been on.

Debs (Jovie's Mummy and Charity Founder)

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